Car Parts Names

Cars are complex machines and we can’t all be expert mechanics. But a basic understanding of some of the terms used by professionals can make things much simpler for us if our vehicle ever breaks down.

Engine: A device that converts energy from the combustion of fuel to kinetic energy that moves a car’s wheels. It also generates electrical energy to power various components such as the car’s lights and windscreen wipers.

Battery: A cylindrical electrochemical device that stores chemical energy from the electrical system to be re-used when needed. It is usually located in the trunk of a vehicle.

Radiator: A heat exchanger that transfers engine heat to the surrounding air to keep it cool, thereby preventing overheating and prolonging the life of the internal components.

Steering wheel: The portion of the car that enables the driver to control the direction in which the vehicle travels, usually by turning left or right. It can be controlled by either a mechanical or electrical device, such as a steering wheel mounted lever.

Muffler: An insulated steel or metal pipe, usually towards the rear of a vehicle, that manipulates sound waves to reduce noise levels. It is an essential component of an exhaust system.