Common Car Parts Everyone Should Know, Their Functions, and Why You Should Care About Them

The engine is the heart of your car and responsible for processing fuel and generating power to keep you moving. It is more than a metal box that lights gas on fire; your engine has more than 200 parts that need to be checked and maintained, or replaced as needed. In this article, the #1 Cochran Buick GMC Youngstown team explores some of the most common car parts everyone should know, their functions, and why you should care about them.

Cylinder Head

The cylinder head sits on top of the cylinder block and contains indentations called ports that control airflow into, out of, and around the cylinders during combustion. It also houses the spark plugs and fuel injectors. The cylinder head is sealed with a head gasket and has to withstand huge pressures and temperatures while still retaining its shape and form for the purpose of combustion, gas flow, and fuel deployment.


The crankcase houses the entire crank mechanism including pistons, cylinders and connecting rods. It also has oil and cooling channels to cool the engine and lubricate moving parts. The crankcase needs to be able to withstand dynamic stresses from compression, combustion, and vibration.


The pistons are cylindrical components that move up and down within the cylinders during the combustion process. The pistons have to be able to compress the air-fuel mixture and transfer the force of combustion to the crankshaft. The pistons also need to seal the cylinders and prevent the mixture from leaking out into the crankcase.