Automotive Diagnostic Scanner

An automotive diagnostic scanner is a device that can read diagnostic trouble codes from your car’s computer and help you diagnose problems. These tools are used by both professionals and home mechanics to detect issues with your vehicle’s engine, transmission and other components.

How to Use It

Using an automotive diagnostic scanner is as simple as connecting it to your vehicle’s OBD-II port. This is a port located on the driver’s side underneath the dashboard. The exact location of your car’s port will depend on the model and year, so check your owner’s manual for specific information.

Some scanners are limited to code reading, but more sophisticated scan tools offer topology mapping (a bird’s eye view of your vehicle’s network), which helps you see how different networks communicate with one another. These tools also allow you to take live data measurements from your vehicle’s systems, so you can fine-tune your setup and improve performance.

The Best Tool

There are plenty of different types of automotive diagnostic scanners on the market, from simple code readers to bi-directional computers that can program and read from your vehicle’s computer. Some are more expensive than others, but they all do a good job of helping you diagnose and fix your vehicle’s issues.

The FIXD OBD2 scanner is our top pick for the average person looking for an easy-to-use scanner with a great data display. It works with almost all OBD-II vehicles and is available in several languages. It offers free app updates and is very affordable compared to other models in its class.