Automotive Key Cutting

Automotive key cutting is the process of creating a new key for your vehicle. It involves using machines to copy the details from an existing key, and can be done at many hardware stores and locksmiths. There are several different types of keys in use on modern vehicles, from standard mechanical keys to transponder keys and fobs. These keys are typically made using one of two techniques:

A standard mechanical key is an all-metal key with no electronic chip in it. This type of key can be cut using a simple key duplication machine, which is inexpensive and relatively easy to operate. A specialized machine is needed to duplicate more advanced car keys, though. This is a much more complicated and expensive process, and requires that the key be programmed to your specific vehicle before it can start the engine.

These more advanced key systems have a small microchip in them that transmits a unique signal to the vehicle’s ignition system. This prevents any other key from being used to start the car, and is an important security measure. In order to properly program these kinds of keys, a specialized machine is required.

This is where the expertise of a locksmith is often necessary, as traditional locksmithing (often called “real” locksmithing) requires that locks be disassembled and decoded in order to create a replacement key. Having a seasoned locksmith available to provide this service can save customers time, money and headaches.