Fortnite Car Parts Scavenger Hunt

Fortnite Season 5 is still going strong and Epic Games has begun adding more challenging challenges to the game. One of these is a scavenger hunt that requires players to locate three car parts.

The challenge involves searching for a few different car parts and it can be a bit tricky to find them all without guidance. The first car part is located in a junkyard west of Dirty Docks, the second one is in an unnamed junkyard near Dirty Docks and the third part is a very well hidden car part that can be found inside Dirty Docks itself.

To locate the car parts, you will need to drop into Dirty Docks and then glance for a semi-opened storage container. This is the location where you can pick up the first car part and will be a few steps away from where you dropped in.

There are also a few other places that you can look for car parts as well. They are most likely to be in settled areas and garages because people break down their vehicles often.

A few other great places to look for these car parts are the west side of Tilted Towers, the northwest side of Haunted Hills and the northeast side of Lucky Landing. They are all surrounded by many buildings, making them perfect for finding these parts as well as other loot.

If you’re having trouble locating car parts in Fortnite, here are some tips and tricks that will help. Some of these tips are a bit more advanced than others, but they will help you get to the location you need quickly.